Figs - And A Flatbread

Figs are among the richest plant sources of calcium and fiber. According to USDA data for the Mission variety, dried figs are richest in fiber, copper, manganese, magnesium, potassium, calcium, and vitamin K, relative to human needs. They have smaller amounts of many other nutrients. Figs contain many antioxidants. An average medium sized fig has about 40 calories.

Now that we got that out of the way, I love figs! I never even tried one until I met my husband about six years ago, and like a lot of things, there is a story behind that, but this is not the time or place to share THAT story, sorry if I intrigued you.

But here is something I will share with you, the inspiration to MAKE A FLATBREAD! 

You should make that flat bread with sliced figs, sliced apples, prosciutto, walnuts, goat cheese and arugula. Oh, and you should drizzle a little garlic flavored olive oil and some honey on that too. Like this.....

You are welcome : )

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